Jones Falls Conduit - "Overflow Ramps"

Overflow Ramps

Its 1913 and the Jones Falls Conduit is nearing completion. But a tremendous storm test the strength and engineering of the conduit. Before the conduits construction, residents on Harrison St. would have suffered damage to their homes and rear yard. Not any more! This engineering marvel is working as planned before it's even finished.

The ramps my friend and I are standing on are the overflow channels for the Jones Falls Conduit. When there is a heavy rain storm or a dam is opened up stream these chambers are flooded with water. The stick looking object to my left is a full size tree trunk that was flused all the way down the conduit. Almost a mile at this point. At the end of these tunnels is an eagerly awaiting Mr. Trash Wheel who is ready to eat up any trash that has made its way into the Jones Falls system and Inner Harbor.


Jones Falls Conduit - "Buried Treasure"


Jones Falls Conduit - "Jenkins Run Junction"