Jones Falls Conduit - "Jenkins Run Junction"

Jenkins Run Junction

Jenkins Runs was a problematic stream that ran from the northeast part of Baltimore City to the downtown section of the Jones Falls.

One of the many complaints noted in the Sun was a mosquito infestation along a section of the run that was used as an ash and rubbish dump. Another issue was flooding due to storms. A neighborhood towards the top of Jenkins Run was flooded when a vicious storm rolled through Baltimore. Damage ranged in value from $10 for a flooded cellar to $1,000 for the total destruction of a slaughterhouse.

Eventually, the city of Baltimore enclosed Jenkins Run and funneled it underground through the city. But that wouldn't be the end of the problems...

On September 6th, 1895, a section of the Jenkins Run Sewer burst and caused the collapse of three homes along Greenmount Ave. The city commissioner recommended they build a new section and abandon the older portion. Instead, they went ahead and repaired the old section along with building a new section. When they made the repairs, it was decided to keep the old section's wooden floor while placing brick flooring in the new section.


Jones Falls Conduit - "Overflow Ramps"


Jones Falls Conduit - "Goliath Chamber"