Jones Falls Conduit - "Buried Treasure"

You are looking up the main conduit section of the Jones Falls. I can't convey how loud and dark this section can't hear yourself think and even with proper headlamps and flashlights you can barely see the next few feet in front of you.

As a relic hunter, I was really amazed at what treasures the builders themselves found while constructing the Jones Falls Conduit well over 100 years ago!

"Day after day, month after month, and year after year they lined the bridges that went over the falls at every cross street to watch us. One reason for their interest was the stories of treasures we found on the bottom.

We did find all sorts of things. Near Baltimore street, We came upon sack after sack of counterfeit coins. A lot of the workmen spent that money. We also found some of the wench and tools that a man told us went back to the Revolution." - Baltimore Sun, April 18th, 1954


Fairfield Farms Dairy


Jones Falls Conduit - "Overflow Ramps"