Phillips Bros Champion Bottling House

Henrey L. Phillips moved to Baltimore city from Dorchester County, Maryland, in the 1870s. In the 1880s, his brothers would later join him, and they would open the Philips Brothers Bottling House at 609-611 S. Caroline St in Fells. From this location, they would make beer and soda to be sold to the residents of Baltimore!

During August 1912, three employees of the Phillips Brothers Bottling Works executed what might be the largest beer heist in Baltimore’s history.

Charles Miller, 1785 Bank St, Frank Pruchnieswki, 1789 Bank St, and George Holle,1725 Fleet St, stole 110 cases of beer from the bottling works located at 609-611 S. Caroline St. For two weeks, the trio loaded up wagons full of freshly bottled ales and porters and slipped into the night.

The group might have thought there were in the clear, but Baltimore City Police Detectives Davis and Coughlin caught up to them on August 23rd. The three men were arrested and charged with larceny.

Its unclear what happened to the 2,640 beers that were stolen, but I am guessing some residents of East Baltimore consumed the evidence.

This logo featuring two boxers is another one of my favorite designs because I think it is one of the most creative ones to be embossed on a bottle of beer or soda produced here in Baltimore, Maryland.

Image 1: Phillips Brothers’ Soda Bottle - c. 1890s

Image 2: Phillips Brothers’ Beer Bottle - c. 1890s


Miraculous Medal


Saxlehner Bitterquell