Dukehart & Co. / Maryland Brewery / Baltimore

c. 1890s

"Be careful as to the water you drink!" and "The best way to avoid the cholera!" are just some of the lines found in a Dukehart Brewing Co. ad from 1893.

The ad also mentions how Dunkhart Brewing Co. sources their "Artisan" water from the purest 300ft well and then boils it for hours to ensure all the impurities are gone before they use it to brew their porter and brown stout. Both their porter and brown stout had such a low alcohol content that Duckhart Brewing Co. marketed it as something safe for women to drink if they were exhausted or just thirsty.

Fun Fact - The Dukehart Brewing Co. phone number was 555.


Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant


The Oakland Chemical Company H2O2