Jones Falls Conduit - "Lovegrove Alley Sewer"

Lovegrove Alley Sewer

There were many streams and creeks that ran on the surface of Baltimore city before its rapid urbanization. All of those had to be covered and diverted to make way for Baltimore's new neighborhoods.

This is one of the main lines that feed those covered creeks and streams into the Jones Falls Conduit. The Lovegrove Alley Sewer starts its journey at E 24th and Guilford Ave before snaking its way down to where I'm standing at under 83 where Charles St. crosses over.

I had two versions of this shot. One with me in and one without. But I wanted to give you a sense of how massive this project was in 1914 by showing how small it makes me at 6'5" look.


Jones Falls Conduit - "Goliath Chamber"


Japanese Toothpick Holder